Withdraw unstaked funds

Step 1: Open the staking tab in Homepage and click on the current staking activity that you have unstaked before and want to withdraw unstaked funds.

Step 2: Click the three-dot icon in the staking details to see if there are available funds for withdrawal. If there is, click on the "Withdraw" option.

Step 3: Fill in the withdraw request and click "Continue".

You would only need to specify the account with which you want to withdraw unstaked funds.The wallet would fetch the available funds for withdrawal that correspond with that account.

If you are in all-accounts mode like the current example, you would need to choose the staking account.

If you have already been in a single account, you would not have to select account.

A complete withdrawal request would look like the following image:

Step 4: Click "Approve" to confirm withdrawal.

Step 5: Enter password and click "Apply".

And your request has been submitted. You could see your transaction in the History tab.

Last updated